The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Thomas Hinderwell Primary Academy

We will ensure that all children are nurtured, challenged and inspired so that they achieve the best outcomes during their time at our school and contribute positively to society.

Enrichment Activities

At Thomas Hinderwell we provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for our pupils to choose from.

Activities and clubs are reviewed termly so keep checking at school Reception for a full up-to-date list on what is happening this term.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is available every school day during term time. The club opens at 8.00 am and closes as the school day starts at 8.45 am.

Children are provided with a healthy choice of breakfasts. This includes the following:

  • a range of cereal
  • toast with a range of toppings
  • bagels
  • muffins
  • pancakes

There is also a range of activities available for the children to engage in while they attend breakfast club.

Before and after School Clubs


At Thomas Hinderwell Primary Academy we offer an Extended School Day Enrichment Programme. The programme runs in the form of an extended school day, where EVERY child from Reception to Year 6 will have the opportunity to take part in a club of their choice, free of charge, every day from 8am to 8:45am and 3.15pm to 4.15pm. These clubs support their learning and future success and include a huge variation of subjects including:

  • Sport clubs
  • Art / Craft clubs
  • Homework club
  • Choir 








8am – 8:45am

 Chess Club

Just Dance


Arts & Crafts


3.15pm – 4.15pm

TT Rockstars


Picture Project



Football club




 Homework Club
