The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Thomas Hinderwell Primary Academy

We will ensure that all children are nurtured, challenged and inspired so that they achieve the best outcomes during their time at our school and contribute positively to society.


Deciding which school is right for your child is one of the most important decisions parents and children have to make.

Every parent has a legal duty to ensure that every child of compulsory school age receives full time education suitable to his/her age, ability and aptitude.

Places are provided at the School for all children who live in the area normally served by the School. A map giving the names of all the streets and roads served by the school can be seen in the main Office.

The Maximum Admission Limit is 30.

For the admissions to the nursery you will need to complete the appropriate admissions form available from the office. You will also need to provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate.

Parents and if appropriate children, will be shown a copy of the Home and School agreement and invited to sign. If they refuse to do so this should be noted on the form along with their reasons.

For school admissions please apply on the North Yorkshire County Council website 

Please download the Admissions Policy below for full details and admissions criteria.


If you are not offered a place at your preferred school, you will be given the right of appeal against the decision.

Information about how to appeal can be found on the North Yorkshire County Council website. Please click here to be transferred to the appeals page.

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