There are three key stages at Thomas Hinderwell; The Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Classes are taught in a combination of whole class teaching, small group, paired and individual approaches.
We carefully adapt our teaching so that pupils can access the curriculum and have developed a range of techniques and strategies to ensure this.
All classes have access to computers and interactive whiteboards, which are used to enhance and enrich the curriculum.
Each class benefits from the support of one or more teaching assistants.
To find out more about life at our academy, follow us on twitter @ThomasHinPri
Our Team
Mrs BentleyReception Teacher and EYFS Lead
Mrs Bentley
Miss LountNursery Practitioner
Miss Lount
Miss ChardYear 5 Teacher
Miss Chard
Miss MetcalfeYear 1/2 Teacher
Miss Metcalfe
Mr KellyYear 4 Teacher
Mr Kelly
Miss Garcia PepworthYear 3 Teacher
Miss Garcia Pepworth
Mr CharlesworthYear 6 Teacher
Mr Charlesworth
Miss HillAssistant Principal
Miss Hill
Miss HawdenAssistant Principal
Miss Hawden