The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Thomas Hinderwell Primary Academy

We will ensure that all children are nurtured, challenged and inspired so that they achieve the best outcomes during their time at our school and contribute positively to society.

DRET Inspiration Awards

Last night was the DRET Inspiration Awards. We had a total of 8 nominations in 6 categories.

Exceptional Support Team Member – Dave Singleton
Team of the Year – Nurture Provision.
Volunteer of the Year – Maria Bailey.
Teaching Assistant of the Year – Miss Dixon, Mrs Lount and Mrs Bulinska.
Teacher of the Year – Miss Chard.
Leader of The Year – Mrs Milner

Well done to Dave Singleton and Miss Chard who won in their categories. We are so proud of each and everyone of you.

We also gave out our Local Inspiration Awards, which were voted for by staff members in school.

Well done To Mr Kelly who won Teacher of the Year, with Mrs Bentley runner up.

Well done to Mrs Lount who won Support Team Member of the Year, with 4 runners up, Miss Dixon, Mrs Miller, Cori Cardoso and Mrs Pattison.

