The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Thomas Hinderwell Primary Academy

We will ensure that all children are nurtured, challenged and inspired so that they achieve the best outcomes during their time at our school and contribute positively to society.

Queens Jubilee Celebration


On Wednesday 25th May we held our Queens Jubilee Celebration. The kitchen staff prepared a picnic lunch which consisted of sandwiches, sausages, cake, crisps and jelly. After school we held a mini fair where we sold hot dogs, drinks, cakes and sweets. We also had a Guess my Name stall with the chance to win a giant Hedgehog. 

Congratulations to Mr Spooner in Year 5 who correctly guessed the name 'River'

Thanks to all your generosity we raised a massive £259. This will go towards enrichment opportunities for the children.
